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SSUF Responsible Investing Position Statement



Sonoma State University Foundation

The Board of Trustees of the California State University adopted a resolution urging auxiliary boards which make corporate investments to issue statements of social responsibility and to follow those precepts in examining past and considering future investments.  In response, the Sonoma State University Foundation states a primary fiduciary responsibility to maximize investment return, while taking into consideration appropriate risk, to further its educational purposes.  At the same time, the Sonoma State University Foundation (SSUF) endeavors to be a good corporate citizen and responsible investor by considering environmental, social and governance (ESG) practices of the corporations in which it is invested.

As an overarching goal, SSUF seeks to invest in well-managed corporations providing beneficial goods and services that align with the University’s mission, vision, core values and strategic priorities.  It further values business practices that support safe and supportive work environments, build employment opportunities, demonstrate innovation in environmental protection, and benefit the disadvantaged - including charitable giving and inclusion efforts.  Consistent with SSU’s Strategic Plan 2025, SSUF encourages its investment managers to incorporate ESG analysis in the review of investment risk and opportunities.

Recognizing that SSUF generally invests in funds, rather than individual companies, the Investment Committee and/or Board of Directors will review any concerning investments held within funds. However, as SSUF’s primary fiduciary responsibility is to maximize investment return commensurate with risk, SSUF will strive to find an appropriate balance between maximizing investment return and honoring the values of sustainability through the use of ESG strategies.


Approved by SSUF Board of Directors on 6/17/22